“All exploitive art should look like it’s been knocked up at 5am by some wasted bum who once had talent but is now seriously on the slide.”
Mathilda May
Mathilda May is the 3rd most perfect woman I’ve ever painted. The 2nd is Sophia Loren and the 1st, of course, is my wife! All three were a pain in the arse to paint; Loren and May because extremely beautiful are woman very difficult to render and my wife because…well, she’s just a pain in the arse! Seriously, she’s posed for 90% of my DVD, magazine and book covers (about 300 paintings in all) and bellyached about doing all of them. Then again, I suppose I’d bellyache too if I was asked to crawl through trash in a wet nightie for Arrow Video’s MANIAC COP and get hacked up in most of the others!