“All exploitive art should look like it’s been knocked up at 5am by some wasted bum who once had talent but is now seriously on the slide.”
Suzi And Brycie
“God, this tea tastes like shite,” groans Brycie.
“I know,” agrees Kev, “I hate to think what she made it with, especially after you banned her from Dark Fest yesterday.”
“Oh, I don’t think she took it personally” smiles Brycie, reaching for a fudge brownie.
“Er, Brycie….”
“Gosh, these are novel,” he trills “She’s even put bits of sweet corn in them!”
This unsubtle slice of toilet humour finally got Suzi banned from the Dark Side but I still think it’s funny so I did this illustration to accompany Brycie’s foreword in the revised edition of Scream Along With Suzi.