“All exploitive art should look like it’s been knocked up at 5am by some wasted bum who once had talent but is now seriously on the slide.”
Suzi Does Spunky
Here we go, chums ‘Spunky’s Last Squirt’ Suzi’s 2nd Fuzz Bucket DVD cover for the revised edition of Scream Along With Suzi. Folks who bought the first edition will recall that Spunky was the self pleasuring monkey that popped Meghan Markle in the eye (plus two lesser shots to the arse while she was being comforted) on her first royal assignment; a visit to Blackpool Zoo. Admittedly Spunky looks a little big in this painting but that’s because he’s being played by Dirk Dong in a gorilla suit. No prizes for guessing who plays Meghan!